DNA-encoded Library


In the current process of new drug development, the biggest challenge lies in the discovery and optimization of lead compounds. Finding a lead compound with excellent physical and chemical properties can significantly improve the reliability of subsequent clinical trials. However, traditional screening techniques are faced with slow screening speed and low coverage of the screening compound space, which makes it impossible to screen out some targets effectively. DNA-encoded library (DEL) technology is one of the most cutting-edge technologies in the current new drug discovery field. It uses a huge number of compounds (billions of library compounds) to effectively solve the problem of low compound structure coverage in traditional screening techniques. A diversity of compounds with a certain activity are utilized as skeletons to build a DNA-encoded library, which help to improve the diversity of compounds. At present, this unique technology is mainly developed based on affinity screening. Compared with conventional screening approaches, the entire library (ranging from hundreds of thousands of compounds to hundreds of millions) can be screened at one time, effectively improving the screening efficiency.

Advantages of DNA-encoded Library

  • The DEL produced by combinatorial chemistry and DNA technology can generate compounds without limitation
  • The DEL constructed by using active compounds as the skeletons effectively increases the diversity of compounds
  • Each compound carries a unique piece of DNA, and the specific structure information of any compound can be obtained through high-throughput sequencing technology

DNA-encoded dynamic library Figure 1. DNA-encoded dynamic library (Gan.g, L.; et al. 2015)

Application of DNA-encoded Library

  • Hit compounds identification
  • Hit compound optimization
  • Protein degradation molecule discovery/optimization

Our Services

To make it easier and better for researchers, BOC Sciences provides DEL design and synthesis, DNA-compatible reaction performance, and DEL oligo design and synthesis services in a competitive fashion. We have prepared the most convenient services for you.

DNA-encoded library design

We have explored and summarized diverse DEL design strategies, which are developed from both chemistry-driven and biology-driven aspects. In addition, our scientists have taken physical and chemical properties into consideration, which enables the molecules of DNA-encoded libraries more ‘drug-like’.

DNA-encoded library synthesis

Aiming to establish a DNA-encoded library with high efficiency and high quality, BOC Sciences has developed a comprehensive DNA-encoded library synthesis process and quality control system. We also create an automated platform to support the entire process of library synthesis. In addition, with our rich experience in carrying out nearly a hundred DNA-compatible chemical reactions, our experts can independently perform different DEL synthesis projects.

DNA-compatible reactions

We have applied our knowledge of synthetic chemistry to the DNA-encoded library synthesis. Our well-trained research staffs provide DNA-compatible bonding formation, DNA-compatible functional group transformation and DNA-compatible core structure construction services. In addition, we also design and synthesize high quality DEL primers to help our clients successfully conduct DNA-encoded library construction.

DEL oligo design and synthesis

Oligos usually serve as the starting point for many molecular biology and synthetic biology fields. An oligo plays an essential role in the technology of constructing DNA-encoded library. Our teams have abilities in offering high quality DEL oligo synthesis and DEL oligo optimization services. Our well-designed workflow is continuously updated and improved based on empirical data.

Finding small molecule binders with DNA encoded library technology Figure 2. Finding small molecule binders with DNA encoded library technology. (Arico-Muendel.; Christopher, C. 2016)

Features of Our DNA-encoded Library

  • Support multiple types of reactions
  • Compatible with DNA chemistry
  • High yield

BOC Sciences provides professional, rapid and high-quality services of DNA-encoded library at competitive prices for global customers. Personalized and customized services of DNA-encoded library an satisfy any innovative scientific study demands. Our clients have direct access to our staff and prompt feedback to their inquiries. If you are interested in our services, please contact us immediately!


  1. Gang, L.; et al. Design, preparation, and selection of DNA-encoded dynamic libraries. Chemical science. 2015, 6: 7097-7104.
  2. Arico-Muendel.; Christopher, C. From haystack to needle: finding value with DNA encoded library technology at GSK. Medicinal Chemistry Communication. 2016: 10.
Our mission is to provide clients with a professional chemical library design platform. Empowered by high-quality services and effective research solutions, we are committed to helping customers achieve effective and successful research goals.

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Services Based on the Chemical Library Design Platform

Services Based on the Chemical Library Design Platform

BOC Sciences has rich experience in working with global customers in custom library synthesis of compounds and generating small to medium-sized libraries of target compounds. Our knowledge in generating a large number of target molecules in a remarkably shorter time enables quick biological screenings for affinities. With the target properties in mind, we deliver target molecules, by applying our extensive knowledge in drug discovery.